If you are looking for the best NW GSP, before picking a dog, pick a bloodline and pick a breeder. At the end of the day, you are spending future hours and years with the dog, not the people; but that breeder has huge impact on creating the hunting dogs potential and shaping their early personality. Please do your homework before finalizing on where your next hunting companion comes from. Look at many blood lines and kennels. Talk to several breeders, and see what they are about and what their breeding goals are. Focus in on the ones that have accomplished AND are working to improve the attributes that are important to you. If you're in Washington, Oregon, Idaho or BC; make sure to include us in your search for the best GSP hunting dog in the NW!
Visit at least one facility. Make sure you get to meet the dogs and the people. Are the dogs happy and healthy? Do you get to see them work? Did you get time to socialize with them and know their personality? Are you comfortable with the way the breeder handles and communicates to the dogs? Do they care about you and the dogs? Are your questions respected and answered well? These are all good things to focus on, and making sure that a situation is right for you will help to ensure that the dog will be as well.
We understand that most people love our dogs, but they're not (and we're not) for everyone. That's o.k. Likewise, we are going to interview you!
Here are a few appreciative thoughts from other folks:
K.O. / Cle Elum, WA / October 29, 2023
A week late, but opening weekend went very well this year. Seen more birds than we have in a long time. Barrett and I ended up with 5, easily could of had our 6 but the guy behind the gun missed two perfect points.
Always bums me out when the dog is working so hard and I miss!
Barrett has absolutely changed hunting for me. His drive and work ethic is so amazing. The passion he has for hunting is unimaginable. He's not perfect and its all due to the training I gave him and the learning curve I went through between training a lab and a pointer. But all in all he hunts perfectly for me. We have an absolute blast together and you can tell he's "disappointed" when I miss or when he kicks out a hen. Now that he's a little older he definitely has slowed down and is a lot more efficient rather than just being balls to the wall. The last few years have been tough for us on bird count but he always seems to find a way for him and I to bag the most birds every trip. He has been the best hunting and house dog I've ever had. There isn't a day I get to go somewhere without him.
Couldn't ask for a better friend, companion, and hunting partner.
G.J. / Stanwood, WA / November 20, 2021
Amazing people amazing dogs. Fell in love with my pup Gracie the minute I got her home. The hunting instinct in these dogs is out of bounds. Alicia and Ben were great to work with, they had a camera in the pups box so we could watch their progress. If I ever get a pointer again Ill get on the wait list for another one of their dogs.
B.O. / Pinedale, WY / April 09-November 23, 2021
Had Millie’s NA test today. 107/112 for a prize one! She lost points in water, which I was anticipating. Perfect marks on everything else 😁
10 dogs total today. There was a dog or two that were pretty impressive, but I think she tied for second highest score. She got a lot of compliments.
Been hunting hard for a wild WY rooster, finally got an opportunity tonight after a beautiful Millie point. Crippled the bird and lost it in some gnarly …. Millie worked her … off to find it, but deck was stacked against her.
Last week I shot a rooster at a release site, and watched it fly 200 yards into some cattails. Millie found it no problem…she is pretty good at tracking and hunting dead. I just need to kill them better!
Millie is … crushing it man. I could not ask for more out of a dog. Super excited for the next pup, Rosie. We are moving…just locked up an old farmhouse on 7 acres and a world class trout stream. Will be ideal training grounds. (Pheasant release site, hens are legal). Also idk if pen raised birds are bigger or if this was a holdover bird, but had at least 1″ spurs and 33 bars on tail.
Idk inches but it had 34 bars. It was a tank. Millie was locked up on it, I go to where she is looking, she slowly turns her head, like hey idiot human, its over here now. It was awesome.
Last week I shot a rooster at a release site, and watched it fly 200 yards into some cattails. Millie found it no problem…she is pretty good at tracking and hunting dead. I just need to kill them better!
R.Z. / Bellingham, WA / July 26-December 26, 2021
Hi! I am sure you heard from …, but wanted to let you know Zeus received his prize 1 NA this weekend. He is an awesome dog that I can take anywhere. People love him and he enjoys the attention. He is also a great bird dog.
Yes, UT. Also, going to try some AKC hunt tests. I want to start him at Senior.
That is the exciting part. I really am looking forward to this season.
First step in many! Can’t wait for the season to start here.
Booked every weekend in Oct. still planning Nov.
N.B. / Arlington, WA / October 17-27, 2020
Brings fake bird to hand, using 22’s as it flys, doing great and getting bigger! Headed for pheasant opener next weekend.
We had a great weekend! Rainier’s first retrieve was Judah’s bird, and had great points and stayed close and didn’t range!
My bird he retrieved was in some knee-high thick rosebush when he went in you couldn’t see him but push the bird out with no fear!
Rainier did great! You guy make great pups!
G.W. / Seattle, WA / October 10, 2020
I meant to send you a message a while ago as I’ve got a new phone and lost your number. Guys, the pup I received from you is amazing. I cannot tell you how happy I am with him. He really aims to please and all energy aside, is the sweetest most loving dog I could have hoped for. He’s amazing. I need to get him on love birds asap as this covid thing has really got us all turned around. I truly feel like I could take him out with out any live bird training hunting and he would figure it out in one hunt. However I want to get him out soon on some live birds anyway. Thank you again I love my boy more than anything
I’ve worked him every day on heal, here and woah and have yet to introduce a shock collar. And he’s amazing at the three. He’s especially been amazing with his understanding of the complexity of woah. I’ve done lots of wing training and introduced the cap gun many times. He has no reaction to it and I have not had time to get him on land where I am able to fire something louder. If Poe’s father’s owner is still able and willing to work with him I would really love to, as I finally am comfortable enough with work and finances to do so. Thank you very much again, you breed amazing dogs!
P.N. / North Bend, WA / October 06, 2020
Ben – …. here. I just wanted to reach out and thank you again for letting us be part of the River Rein family. Milo is amazing and is rocking it at 9 months old. After several months of debate we registered him today. River Rein Jagdhund Milo. Jagdhund is German for hunting dog. Thank you again. On the sly … is ready for another one.
M.K. / Shoreline, WA / April 20, 2020
Hope all is well with you, the family, and the dogs! I was hoping to run Zoey in the NAVHDA NA test last year, but COVID put threw a wrench in those plans. We were able to get her out there this past weekend though and run her for an eval in the NA test. We had a blast and she did great – somehow achieved a perfect score! Bummed she had aged out and couldn’t get a prize 1. Now onto training for the UPT.
B.A. / Vernon, BC / Nov 05, 2019
Hi Ben
K.D. / Seattle, WA / October 23, 2019

M.S. / Willamina, OR / August 12, 2019
Hey Ben.
Little update on Jeger... the most loving dog with kids! This is my nephew and Jeger just follows him everywhere! I love this picture you can see how much heart she has. On a side note we went for a walk in the woods the other day and she pointed on 2 separate pheasant. I didn't understand what she was doing until the birds were in flight! Such an amazing dog!
G.H. / Spokane, WA / July 17, 2019
Hi Ben,
B.D. / Ellensburg, WA / July 03, 2019
Hi Ben and Alicia,
Thanks again for such an awesome dog. I've been following a book since day 1 with Hank's training that a friend recommended. It's called "Speed Train Your Own Birddog" and it's by Larry Mueller. It's been amazing how quickly he learns. Steph and I have been nothing but absolutely happy with him. You guys do an awesome job and I look forward to referring my friends and getting my next dog from you guys.
Thanks again!
G.J. / Stanwood, WA / June 04, 2019
Ben and Alicia,
River Rein Kennels
Just a thank you for giving us the privilege of owning one of your dogs, it's a dream to have a GSP in my life again. It says a lot to me about this litter that you considered Freyja and Yolo a great paring so much so that you kept one of the females for yourself. I couldn't agree more and I couldn't have asked for a more amazing pup than Gracie, honestly I think she's the most beautiful dog I've ever owned. Tammy says I'm totally in love with her...and she's not wrong. She is a terror, a love, a hyper blur, a couch potato, a "gardener" (we don't have many flowers left either), a sock stealing shoe thief and a huge snuggler. I come home to her in my face till there's not a dry spot on it and in the evening she likes nothing more than a lap to curl up on and start snoring.
I've never seen such intensity in a dogs face and body as I have in hers when I'm working her in the yard...or when I have cheese in my hand. If only quail and pheasant smelled like cheese...
Thank you again for this amazing pup. I can't wait till I can take her out in the field with my son chasing birds and watching her work.
Thank you again...
Gary, Tammy and
River Rein Gracie vom Freyja
D.B. / Anchorage, AK / April 28, 2019
Ben took time answering our questions before we committed to purchasing a pup. His time and questions for us showed us that it was important that his pups were matched well.
E.C. / Snohomish, WA / April 15, 2019
Best people and dogs on the planet!!
E.S. / Snohomish, WA / Feb 26, 2019
I have a great dog from Ben and I would recommend them to anyone looking for a hard working dog that can also be a great family dog!! Ryker is great with other dogs and is awesome in the house!!
B.D. / Ellensburg, WA / Oct 21 & 31, 2018
10/21/18: Hank is an absolute stud! I can't believe how hard he wants to go at his young age. Can't wait to see what he turns into. Thanks again for an awesome dog!
10/31/18: I can't thank you guys enough for an awesome dog! My buddy and I went again today and shot two limits of ducks and three more roosters. Hank had an awesome 100 yard recovery on a crippled bird. He's doing awesome!
A.C. / Buckley, WA / Mar 18 & Apr 14, 2018
3/18/18: First day with Buckwheat went great! He likes to be held for his nap but then I put him down on the dog bed once he’s out. He’s eating great! Pooping and peeing just fine. He already knows where the water is at. First night in the kennel he cried BUT NO pee or poop. He runs to our back door and cries to be let out and immediately goes potty!!! Only a couple accidents where he got lost in the kitchen (there’s an island). He comes really well when we clap. I can’t whistle so I told Jared we have to clap and call his name for now lol
4/14/18: Just had our first vet apt doc says he is a stellar looking animal! Everything is going great! Buckwheat is a muscular beast! He is definitely a little terrorist in the house but he is doing so great and we’re loving every minute of it!
K.D. / Seattle, WA / Nov 22, 2017
Hey Ben and Alicia! Just wanted to wish you both a very happy Thanksgiving! We hope you’re doing well and enjoying hunting season, we sure are! Gus is doing amazing. He is so smart, loves everyone, and is picking up hunting incredibly quickly (just like everything else we’ve taught him). Not to gush too much over him, but he’s definitely the best behaved 5 month old GSP we’ve ever seen. Thank you guys for breeding such great dogs, we are truly grateful. Below are some of our favorite pics and videos from the last few weeks. Happy Thanksgiving!
J.L. / Bonney Lake, WA / Aug 29, 2017
My daughter did training at River Rein Kennels this summer. Autumn and her dog Gunner learned so much. She is gearing up for the upcoming bird season. Thanks Ben for taking the time to work with these two!
P.V. / Abbotsford, BC / Aug 07, 2017
Ben and Alicia were wonderful to deal with and their love for the dogs is evident. They truly take the time to ensure that each dog goes to a good and loving home.
Luna is settling into her new home in Canada Thank you so much Ben and Alicia for such an awesome experience in picking out our newest addition to the family. Ps. Orlando says she's gonna make a great Chukar hunter!
J.J. / Tulalip, WA / Apr 19, 2017
Congrats on your new litter! Our 1 year old boy is getting SO big! Final bird tally for 2016:
10 release pheasants
8 wild pheasants
23 grouse
30 quail
and a chukar in a pear tree!
We can't thank you enough for breeding such an amazing pack member! We get so many compliments and inquiries as to where we found Hunter!
J.H. / Ventura, CA / Oct 10, 2016
Ben and Alicia are great stewards of the GSP Breed and there dogs are proof of it!
Sara and I were extremely happy with the process of picking the right pup for us and Ben made it a very seamless transition.
Being that we are from So. Cal. He even accommodated FaceTime puppy interviews, lol, saving us a lot of money in travel.
Thank you Ben and Alicia!
C.S. / Snohomish, WA / September 23, 2016
This is truly a high quality, skilled and loving place to find your best friend and new member of the family. I am totally impressed with River Rein Kennels.
S.C. / WA / February 04, 2016
Hi Benjamin,
We did find a dog last spring and Brook realy enjoys her. She is all white with a couple spots and we call her Aimee. We had an epic hunting season, Brook excelled being the lead dog. With the passing of my two older dogs she came into her own and hunted like a champion. We went to South Dakota and shot 60 rooster over her and the new pup. In Washington I hunted 20 days and shot another 70 over the two dogs. Her last retrieve in the Palouse was spectacular. I winged a rooster over creek and Brook took off after it, she came across the scent and a half mile later she came back along a railroad bed with the bird in her mouth. I was very proud and I know that is what you want to hear as the breeder. We are talking about maybe getting a 3rd dog, but not sure if we want to go with one this soon. Definitely keep me in the loop. If I get one I would like a female. Are you planning on having them old enough to hunt this year?
Thanks for reaching out to me, I love Brook, she is a wonderful dog and excellent hunter!
E.C.N. / Tacoma, WA / February 01, 2016
Hi Ben,
Thanks for your email. Sorry in our delay to get back to you since we just got back from Mexico (fun little January trip). Jamie and I decided that we are not going to get a puppy this year. We will probably think about another puppy in the future so please let us know if you have another litter.
I was walking Hank yesterday and someone commented on him and how he was looking for another GSP. I told him your name so he might contact you. He was a nice guy that hunted and said 'GSPs can out hunt labs everyday.' He has one GSP but is getting older and wants to get a puppy.
I do have to say that Hank is the best dog we have ever had. He is a good hunter of course but is also such a great dog to have around. All of our friends love him especially the kids. For being 70 lbs he really is gentle. Thanks for letting us have him!
I cannot wait to see pics of the new puppies! Hope all is well!
M.H. / Snoqualmie, WA / November 18, 2015
We have some close friends who have a girl who was attacked by a dog several years ago and was bitten badly. When they would first bring her around, she wouldn't step foot in our house because she was afraid of all dogs. Slowly, we introduced her to Buddy and he's always been as gentle as possible with her. Now they dog-sit for us when we go on vacation. How's that for a sweet family dog!!
S.C. / WA / September 01, 2014
Hi Ben,
Here is a picture of Brook retrieving a bird this fall in Eastern Washington. She had knee surgery last March and has made a full recovery. She hunted 24 days this year and 5 of them were in South Dakota. We shot a 122 pheasants over her and my other dogs. I also was wondering if you are planning on having any litters in the future. My dog that was almost 9 passed away a couple weeks ago. She was very similar to Brooks mother. I would really like to have another female that is mostly white. Hope your fall was full of days afield! I will look forward to your reply.
J.G. / Woodland, WA / February 29, 2012
Hi Ben,
It has been almost a year since we met, and I am so bad about sending out this email. I have been wanting to update you on how Sooner is doing for a long time and just haven’t gotten around to it. Let me say he is 1 awesome dog! He just amazes me more every day at how smart and social he is! I have included some pictures of him in 2 different emails here for you to see how good looking he is. We get so many compliments on him everywhere we go. I could go on and on about stories and memories over his first year of life, but I will spare you all the details. Let’s just say he is a very well loved pet, friend, and kid to Tammy and I. I was able to hunt with him probably 10 times this fall and he was really doing well for his first year. But this last weekend, I took him on a trip to Treo Ranch in Heppner, OR. And WOW! What an amazing experience. He is pointing so well and he runs and runs and runs and runs! Tired me out. A light went on for him and I this past weekend and he locked up on probably 30 birds. I was so amazed when he actually started retrieving them and bringing the birds right to me by the end of the day. It was awesome.
I hope you and your family are doing well. Thank you for such a great dog. I hope his Mom and Dad and all his siblings are doing as well as he is.
Best Regards,
P.&R.B. / Tacoma, WA / February 06, 2012
We got our gsp "Molly" from River Rein Kennels 2010 litter. She has been a wonderful family dog and Ron has been exceptionally pleased with her first year of hunting. She has been right on every time out. We would ABSOLUTELY recommend Ben to anyone that is looking for a new pup..Thanks Ben The B. Family
S.C. / WA / January 11, 2012
Here are some pictures of Brook. We love her!!! (from Heidi) She points, retrieves and LOVES pheasant hunting. AND she especially loves sleeping on the Motel Six bed with Dad and the other dogs. She is so cute and sweet and smart. We are so overjoyed to have her. Thank you! H and S C
P.S. We shot 84 Pheasants this year. She saw lots of action and picked it up very quick. This is a picture of one that she pointed and retrieved for me.
S.H. / Whistler, BC / December 16, 2011
We couldn't have been happier dealing with Ben and River Rein Kennels last year when we got Camper (our now 10 month old GSP). He's a wonderful natural pointer, extremely energetic and perfectly behaved. We feel we won the lottery with this little guy. He's so Good looking he makes the other dame's blush and so well behaved he makes the other owners blush!
When (not if) we get another little one we'll be calling River Rein for sure.
S. & S.
L.L. / January, WA / January 05, 2011
Hi Ben,
We’ve been meaning to send you a quick note … even Jake has mentioned it! Shiloh is the most wonderful little dog. She truly has become a member of our family and she acts like a younger sibling to Jake – stealing his toys, chewing a few of his favorite things. I’ve attached a little picture of Shiloh at Christmas and last summer in Montana on vacation. Of course, don’t let the other owners know – she’s the best!
M.&L.H. / Snoqualmie, WA / December 14, 2010
We got our GSP Buddy from Ben in May of 2009 (born in April 2009). Our dog not only is a great member of our family but a perfect hunting partner for my husband.
As a family dog, he is gentle and patient. We have two little kids and he allows them to crawl all over him and never shows ANY aggression. He is smart and learns very quickly.
As a hunting dog, he has a great nose and works hard. He also retrieves and has a soft mouth.
I would not hesitate to recommend a dog from River Rein Kennels - we couldn't ask for a better dog.
R.M. / Clinton, WA / November 13, 2010
We got a pup from this Kennel in 2009, a female German shorthaired pointer. She is probably the sweetest, nicest dog I've ever owned (she'd sleep in your lap every night if you let her, and sometimes my girls do!!). But besides that, she is a fantastic hunter, and she's going to do nothing but get better! couldn't ask for more!